Who is

Anthony Augustin is more than just a duo. It's a journey of friendship that began on the benches of school and resonated through the amplifiers of the Musician Institute in Los Angeles. Meet Doug and Lucas, two friends bonded by their love for music, guitars, and a shared passion for legendary bands like The Beatles, Radiohead, Cat Stevens, Jeff Buckley, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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You Can Lay on Me

Experience the magic of Anthony Augustin's latest release, "You Can Lay on Me." This captivating track takes you on a journey of emotion, with Doug's soulful vocals and Lucas's mesmerizing melodies intertwining to create a musical masterpiece.

The New
Pop-Rock Duo

Anthony Augustin unlocks ten doors, inviting listeners to embark on a journey of introspection. Amidst the melancholy, there's laughter too, with tracks like "Italian Girls" providing a playful contrast.